WFLM in 2017

Yorum Ekle

as many of you know, wflm has been more or less on hiatus since 2015. no posts at all in 2016, and to date a single post in 2017. i am making this post as this blog is almost a decade old, and for those of you who are long-time readers, it means quite a bit as it was/is a staple of the blogger music sphere

so where is wflm now?

most of the original contributors, if not all, are gone. after a minor change of template in 2015, the blog did not have any posts. i don't know why that is. however, we still have some contributors, including the ones that conduct/conducted interviews in the past. that was a target for WFLM, and it brings us to where the site is now.

WFLM was started in 2008 by jc, who shall remain anonymous more or less. back then, the internet was more or less in a teenage state; blogging was new and exiting, and many many great blogs (from when it was blogspot) came and went. now, most are gone. WFLM stood still to remain as a force and reminder of those times. the blog was then bequeathed to one of the writers here, who now runs it - dantelop. since then, in 2012 there was a major attempt to revitalize the blog, and for the most part it worked; however the internet had long since changed, and the way that WFLM worked came to a halt as sites like rapidshare began cracking down on blogs such as this one.. but then life got in the way. now, the contributors left are in a good place again and want to take one more shot at this blog.

 where we go from here

WFLM is now at a spot where it can either leave the blogger up, remain semi-active (with a trickle of max 3 albums posted), and some interviews/spotlights, or go full music zine in a revitalization act with a domain, writers, and much more focused interviews/spotlights. these are not mutually exclusive - WFLM at the blogger location (i.e. this one) will forever remain up as a reminder and sometimes active piece from the past. however, as previously mentioned, we'd like WFLM to go on in another, more engaging and artist-centric way. similar to the 2012 "reboot", we'd like to have interviews, and to share light on new and emerging artists. putting together playlists, collaborating with concert makers and festivals etc etc.

that in and of itself is an incredibly big challenge, but it can be done. however, we need the input and help of readers in the form of feedback and a possible donation run. WFLM has not made one cent since its inception - in fact it has made a lot of artists a lot of money from exposure. whether or not this was an initial goal by jc is not known - but dantelop made that the purpose of the blog in the reboot. so with that in mind, we would not want obscene donations - in fact all we ask from readers, if they do indeed want to see WFLM move onto a bigger platform, is to help for very simple maintenance costs (strictly for the website) so that it may continue in the future and keep shedding light on artists who do not make it to the bigger sites.

we have never run ads, and have never played favoritism. albums and music were chosen by writers due to their taste, and interviews/spotlights we have done in the past are/were completely free of charge to the artists. and that will continue to be the case. however, here is the point to all this - this will only work if people still read and want WFLM to live

so our first step is this post, and a poll which is below. vote on it and let us know what you'd like to see happen to WFLM, as it is, now and forever, for the readers and listeners. 

 thanks for all the years and the memories so far,

FIN - Ice Pix (2017)

Yorum Ekle


this has got to be one of the best albums of the year. an absolute gem of dark synth-wave, dark pop, whatever you want to call it. FIN, on both vocals and production packs a world of swirling, innovative rhythms that utilize their accentuation to create a metric spiral; haunting vocals reach a fever pitch above it all. good jargon, good shit. click above.

Father John Misty - Live at Stubb's (2015)

Yorum Ekle
Father John Misty delivered one of the best shows of the tour for Austin.  One hour and forty-three minutes of sardonic wit and amazing music passionately performed, broken into labeled tracks.  Admittedly an imperfect recording for such a perfect night, but well worth sharing for your enjoyment. 

Jam it.

Dorothy Ashby - Afro-Harping (1968)

Yorum Ekle
Pioneer Dorothy Ashby's exquisite harp atop a quality band deftly mixing soul, cool jazz, and touches of bossa is just perfect on this record.  Beautiful from start to finish.

Hear some here and here.

Do it.

Hiatus Kayiote - Choose Your Weapon (2015)

Yorum Ekle

oh my fucking god, can this band do no wrong? seems like ever since we bumped these guys way back they have just kept on blowing up. also, what a killer sleeve. cover of the year? nuanced, free-flowing, experimental, and absolutely lovely nu-jazz-nu-funk-space-soul music.

The Internet - Feel Good (2013)

Yorum Ekle

ridiculously good and ridiculously overlooked album from 2013. some really good shit in similar vein to the much talked about hiatus kaiyote. so fucking good.

Sisyphus - Sisyphus (2014)

Yorum Ekle

it always blew my mind that everyone slept on this album. you have sufjan, serengeti, and son lux together in one album and the result is fantastic, albeit a bit strange sometimes. but it's artsy as fuck, yo. i paid for it, so that should tell you something here. standout: rhythm of devotion